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Explains the group’s responsibilities and how it will work.


The Wales Animal Health and Welfare Framework was launched in July 2014. It sets out our ten-year overarching plan:

  • to make improvements in standards of animal health and welfare for kept animals
  • to protect public health
  • to contribute to the economy and the environment

The framework sets five strategic outcomes:

  • healthy productive animals
  • animals with a good quality of life
  • people trust and have confidence in the way we produce food and protect public health
  • a thriving rural economy
  • a high quality environment

The Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 focuses on improving the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being.The framework and its implementation plan show a commitment to each of the 7 goals:

  • a prosperous Wales
  • a resilient Wales
  • a healthier Wales
  • a more equal Wales
  • a Wales of cohesive Communities,
  • a Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language
  • a globally responsible Wales

The full details of how we are addressing these goals is in the Implementation Plan.


The Minister for Natural Resources and Food appointed the Wales Animal Health and Welfare Group in June 2014. Their aim is to support the implementation of the framework. The group covers the whole spectrum of animal health and welfare issues. It strengthens the link between:

  • Welsh Government
  • livestock keepers
  • other animal owners
  • industry representatives

The members play a key role:

  • raising and considering issues which could impact on achieving the key outcomes of the framework
  • challenging new and emerging policy
  • reviewing progress of outcomes
  • streamlining communication of key messages to industry organisations and representative groups
  • providing established links to the wider agricultural and rural community


The Group is made up of 8 publically appointed members including the Chair. The Chief Veterinary Officer for Wales also sits on the Group as an ex officio member. The appointment term for each member is 3 years.

Framework Group members serve in an individual capacity. They do not formally represent any organisations.

The Group may establish sub groups to support its work. The Chair and Group will agree the remits of such groups.

Meetings and ways of working

The Wales Animal Health and Welfare Framework Group meet on a quarterly basis. Members will also attend ad hoc days which support the implementation of the framework and current priorities.

Communications & Welsh language

Quarterly meeting agendas and minutes are published in English and Welsh on this web-site. This complies with legislation governing public access to information. Additionally, any reports commissioned by the Group will also be published.

Work undertaken by the Group will follow Welsh Government’s Welsh language standards.

Implementation plan

We publish an annual Implementation plan, which sets out key objectives and work going forward.

The plan focuses on key priorities for raising standards for animal health and welfare. It covers:

  • farmed livestock
  • companion animals
  • working animals
  • kept animals involved in sport and aquaculture, where relevant

The Group provides expert advice and guidance. This informs and shapes the implementation plan. It also supports the delivery of these objectives throughout the year.